Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions Business Consulting in Phoenix

Are you selling your business, buying a business or merging your business with another company in the Phoenix area? H&H Accounting Services can help. We’ve helped many local Phoenix business owners successfully execute mergers, acquisitions and business sales in the Valley. 

Comprehensive Financial Services

There are many reasons your business might be considering a merger, acquisition or sale. Maybe a competitor wants to retire, or you’ve recently received an unexpected influx of cash. Perhaps the planets aligned, and a seemingly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself that you want to snatch up before a competitor gets to it.

Unfortunately, opportunities can lead to rash and undisciplined decision making. It’s important to examine the situation from all angles to make an informed choice. Ask yourself:

Will this merger or acquisition help me maximize my company’s value?

Can the deal be done in a timely manner?

Is the business a good fit?

Some of the most common reasons mergers and acquisitions turn out badly is a failure to plan for integration or failing to recognize a potential problem before papers are signed. In other cases, a business might not be a good fit for a variety of reasons, from employees to clientele to service offerings. Or maybe the price is great, but the merger is bad on business synergies. 

On the other hand, the merger and acquisition may turn out great if:

You already have a solid integration plan going into the merger
You have an air-tight rationale for your strategy
You know that both businesses have great synergies that will maximize value drivers
H&H Accounting Services understands the pitfalls of poorly planned or inadequately thought-out mergers and acquisitions. We know how to analyze the situation with a birds-eye view from the outset and help you make initial decisions on viability. Then we can get into the little details of both businesses to help you understand:

Both the benefits and challenges of integration
Whether your businesses may complement each other
Where there are redundancies

Due Diligence  

It’s impossible to overemphasize the importance of due diligence in mergers and acquisitions. It’s essentially the whole ballgame. Rigorous, fact-based due diligence can be the difference between making a huge mistake, spotting a diamond in the rough or missing an extraordinary opportunity. 

Our team understands that mergers and acquisitions can be make-or-break opportunities for businesses, and we won’t let you down. Our clients’ success is our success, and mistakes on M&As are unacceptable to our team. 

Maximizing Returns on Divestitures

Are you ready to sell your business? There are many reasons you might sell:

• You are ready to make a profit on the business you built
• It’s time to retire and enjoy your golden years
• The best-case scenario was building a business someone wanted to buy, and you’ve found a buyer 
• Your business is struggling and it’s time to get the most advantageous deal possible and cut your losses 

Whatever your motivation, divestiture is a tricky, precarious business action. You have a lot riding on a successful and advantageous divestiture – maybe even your future financial independence and stability. The CPA and accounting experts at H&H Accounting understand how important this deal is to your future, and we’ll put in all the time and effort necessary to ensure you can make informed decisions that are in your best interest.  

Is It Time for a Merger or Acquisition?

H&H Accounting Services is the Phoenix business consulting team to help with your merger, acquisition or divestiture.

Are you looking for merger or acquisition targets in the Valley? We can help you come up with a list. Are you ready to divest your ownership interest in a current business? We can help you find a buyer. From helping develop deals to detail-oriented due diligence and closing, our team can assist at every step along the way.

Call us at (480) 561-5805 to schedule a one-hour consultation. We’ll be happy to discuss your situation and goals.

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