Developing Budgets

Get Help Developing Budgets for Your Phoenix, AZ Business

Developing Budgets

Creating your own personal budget for your family can be a lot simpler than creating a reliable business budget with built in contingencies and breathing room. Having the assistance of a professional accountant can be extremely beneficial when you’re budgeting for a business.

The team at H&H Accounting Services understands how time consuming and exhausting creating a comprehensive budget for your business can be. This is especially true when you’re dealing with cash flow challenges or need an airtight budget for the purposes of acquiring financing or funding. 

We can help you create all types of budgets for your small business, from master budgets and operating budgets to cash flow budgets or static budgets. We thoroughly examine every relevant metric to ensure the budgets we help formulate are realistic and reliable. 

What Should You Take Into Account When Building a Budget for Your Business?

Revenue – The most important factor for businesses seeking sustainable budgets is current and predicted revenue. Revenue and cash flow considerations tend to go hand in hand, especially for businesses with predictable revenue but inconsistent cash flow. For example, retail businesses that tend to sell a lot during the holidays will likely experience low cash flow in the first couple months of the year but high cash flow in the last couple months of the year. It’s important to budget accordingly to get you through periods of low cash flow.

Fixed Expenses – These are the expenses that you know you’ll have regardless of other business factors. For example, you know you’ll need to pay rent, your insurance premiums and utilities each month. Fixed expenses are the easiest to manage because they are inherently predictable.

Variable Expenses – These are the more unpredictable expenses. What counts as a variable expense for your business will likely be somewhat unique to your industry. Marketing might be a variable expense or labor costs if you must hire temporary or seasonal employees. Budgeting properly for variable expenses is important. It’s better to expect higher variable expenses and be relieved when your actual costs come in lower rather than unexpectedly going over your variable expenses budget.

One-off expenses – Not every expense is going to be fixed or variable. This is especially true for businesses that rely on machinery or vehicles. A fleet vehicle may last for five years, 10 years or even longer depending on its reliability and frequency of use. When one breaks down, it will need to be replaced. Vehicle replacement may not be an expense you’ll be forced to incur every year. Restaurants might also have certain types of expensive equipment, like fryers, ovens or walk-in freezers, that will necessitate periodic one-off expenditures.

Business Budget Best Practices

While no two businesses will have the exact same budgets, there are a variety of general best practices most businesses should follow. 

While being optimistic isn’t necessarily a bad thing, inflating your revenue may not be in your best interest. It’s often wiser to budget using a conservative revenue estimate. Things can change quickly during a year, and economic factors beyond your control may impact your business. 

It’s important to balance growth with sustainability. Don’t necessarily plan for the worst if that scenario will result in you foregoing good opportunities, but budget with the knowledge that adversity isn’t an impossibility. 

It’s also important to realistically estimate growth and factor that into your budget. Certain fixed or variable expenses will inevitably increase as your production or service volume increases, and you’ll need to realistically estimate growth to factor these changes into an annual budget. Forecasting growth can also help you better plan for expansion or the addition of employees or locations. 

Also budget for the unexpected. This aspect of budgeting will be separate from both variable and fixed expenses. Needing to replace a piece of vital equipment or a vehicle falls into the unexpected expenses category. In some cases, you can plan for those types of expenses, but there may also be scenarios where an unforeseen or catastrophic breakdown occurs, and you must unexpectedly incur a one-off expense. 

Get Help With Your Business Budget in Phoenix  

At H&H Accounting Services we help businesses develop realistic and sustainable budgets that balance conservative planning with growth-friendly goal setting. We know how to analyze cash flow, forecasts, historical records and industry trends to predict revenue and cash flow and make realistic suggestions about your business’s budget moving forward.

Call us at (480) 561-5805 to schedule a free, one-hour consultation about our budgeting services.

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